What's all this, then?

tl:dr - MagniPop! features fun stuff on cool stuff, all designed exclusively by the artist Alverde, who occasionally refers to himself in the third person for marketing purposes. Puns. Pop Culture. Pattlestar Galactica.  

Whatchu got there?

From unique nerd shirts to expressive hoodies to vibrant canvas prints and more, MagniPop!'s got a little bit of that good good for everyone. Especially if you're nerdy and love bright colors and puns. 

What's it all about?

MagniPop! is about sharing the love of what brings us all together: fandom. We might not be fans of the same thing, but we're all fans of something, and that's pretty cool. Fan, to remind you, is short for fanatic. We're all crazy about something, and MagniPop! celebrates that crazy. If you like liking things, then we love you. 

MagniPop! is about taking pop art to that next level. Pop pop art, if you will. #sixseasonsandamovie. We also feature some more abstract pieces that may or may not require some additional imagination to see the pop culture connection, but it's there somewhere.

MagniPop! is about expressing yourself and showing the world it's fun to be bold. It's cool to be playful. We're wired to be weird. 

Who's behind the curtain?

MagniPop! was created by the artist Alverde (that's-a me!). I'm one of those mysteriously cool artists with no facial expressions who puts all of my emotion into my work. JK, I wear my emotions on my sleeve. "Emotions? Don't you mean heart?" I would wear my heart on my sleeve, but I usually keep it pretty close to my chest. You know...for my health.

I'm an independent artist living in New York City, so buying from MagniPop! helps me live my dream of having health insurance and finally getting my official midi-chlorian count. Fingers crossed my power level is over 9,000! 

What else do you have to say?

Surrounding yourself with what makes you happy is pleasing to your soul. And world peace is achieved through inner peace. So do the world a favor and please yourself. Unless it starts to chafe...then you should take a week off. 

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

May the Force be with you,